This is a simple style PowerPoint template, the main color is green, red, blue three colors, novel design, beautiful page, is a high-quality PowerPoint template.
Template is suitable for PowerPoint demonstration of creative design, work plan, business report, year-end summary, etc.
The content of this PPT template is divided into three parts, which are distinguished by three colors: green, red and blue. The visual effect is unique and distinct.
The text, picture, line and other elements of the template can be customized and edited easily.
Welcome to download! I wish you every success in your work.
Template pages: Total 23 pages
Template page Size: 960px x 540px
Template display ratio: 16:9
Template extension:pptx
Template language: English|Chinese
Applicable software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365/Google slides
Template file size: 87.5KB