Watercolor Flower Dynamic PPT Template: With floral watercolors as the background, it is fresh, natural, very beautiful, full of romantic poetry, and is suitable for PowerPoint presentations on topics such as literature, emotion, life, education, work plan, work summary, business report and so on.
This template has a great dynamic presentation, giving you a strong visual impression and making your PPT presentation stand out from the crowd.
The text, lines, charts, and menus of the template can be customized.
Welcome to download this extremely beautiful Google Slides theme. I wish you a smooth job!
Thank you for your support!
pages: Total 25 pages
page Size: 1280px x 720px
display ratio: 16:9
language: Chinese|English
software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365
File size: 13.1MB