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Annual Summary PowerPoint Template



Annual Summary PowerPoint Template: With gray and light blue as the main color, dandelion seeds as the background, reflecting a fresh, elegant style, with a strong literary atmosphere.
This PPT template is suitable for PPT presentations on topics such as annual summaries, New Year work plans, business reports, and education. The template content is complete, the framework design is reasonable, and the logic is clear.
This template has a total of 33 pages, all text and images (except the background) can be customized. In addition, more than 200 small vector icons are provided to facilitate your PPT design.
You can download this PPT template for free and use it freely for your own work presentations, but not for distribution or for commercial sale.
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  • pages: Total 33 pages
  • page Size: 1280px x 720px
  • display ratio: 16:9
  • extension:pptx
  • language: English|Chinese
  • software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office/office 365
  • File size: 7.28MB

Annual Summary PowerPoint Template
7.28 MB pptx >>> DOWNLOAD

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All slides templates on the freeppt7.com website are free to download and use. But it is not allowed to sell our slides themes for commercial gain. Lets comply with our copyright laws. Otherwise you will be prosecuted.

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