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Christmas dynamic PPT template



This is a dynamic romantic pink Christmas PPT template with background music. On a pink PPT background, the stars are shining warmly, and the elk is pulling a sleigh and carrying Santa Claus running in the sky. Numerous petals are dynamically scattered. Merry Christmas and merry Christmas are beautifully written using Art Nouveau.
This slide shows a very romantic and warm feeling suitable for making all kinds of Christmas-related slides, such as Christmas greeting cards PPT.
If you are still in love, using this PPT template to be a Christmas card to give you her or him, will give the other party a big surprise.
  • pages: Total 2 pages
  • Page Size: 960px x 600px
  • Display ratio: 2:1
  • File size: 6.70 MB
  • Attachment type: .zip
  • Software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps

Christmas dynamic PPT template
6.71 MB zip >>> DOWNLOAD

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All slides templates on the freeppt7.com website are free to download and use. But it is not allowed to sell our slides themes for commercial gain. Lets comply with our copyright laws. Otherwise you will be prosecuted.

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