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Logistics Transportation PowerPoint Templates



This is a container truck background logistics transport PowerPoint Template, a total of 22 pages.
The cover of the slide template uses a large truck mounted in the container as a background image in the mountains. Very visually impactful and very well matched to the logistics and transportation industry.
Inside the PowerPoint template, using a green flat design style, 20 flat slide charts were designed, including various diagrams, data analysis charts, and so on.
This template is suitable for the production of logistics industry work summary report PowerPoint, transportation industry related PPT template. .PPTX format.
  • pages: Total 22 pages
  • page Size: 1350px x 759px
  • display ratio: 16:9
  • extension:pptx
  • language: EN \ CN
  • software: PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013/wps office
  • File size: 2.35MB

Logistics Transportation PowerPoint Templates
2.36 MB pptx >>> DOWNLOAD

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All slides templates on the freeppt7.com website are free to download and use. But it is not allowed to sell our slides themes for commercial gain. Lets comply with our copyright laws. Otherwise you will be prosecuted.

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